What Is Refractive Error?

These are the circumstances that keep the light rays reaching to eye in parallel angles from focusing on retina. There are 3 types of refractive errors, namely myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism.
Myopia implies that lights that access the eye in parallel approach are focused in front of the retina. Patients cannot see distant objects clearly.

Hypermetropia is the condition where lights that access the eye in parallel approach are focused at the back of the retina. Patients cannot see near objects clearly. Astigmatism is the occurrence where light rays from different meridians fracture differently. Patient sees the objects in a blurred appearance.

Laser Eye Surgery

This is an ophthalmic surgery method, which is named as the laser eye surgery or refractive eye surgery; it is used for minimizing or eliminating the requirement of eyeglasses or contact lenses by correcting the refractive errors of the eye. UV laser at 193 nm wavelength, which is achieved by stimulating argon-florid gas mix with electricity, is used. Refractive surgery methods have been used commonly around the world for correcting refractive errors such as myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism for the last two decades. Success rates of surgeries, which are performed by using methods and techniques appropriate for the patient, are around 98%.

Excimer Laser Methods

Excimer Laser surgeries can be addressed under 2 main titles.
First, it is necessary to prepare a base in cornea for laser application. Appropriate base in cornea is prepared by dissecting or peeling the cornea. Meaning that the methods where the goal is to access stroma are the first group of laser methods and after the stroma is prepared, the laser methods which are performed in accordance with the application of Excimer laser for nullification process are the second group of laser methods.
First group of laser (preparation of cornea for Excimer laser) methods:
  1. Lasik
  • Intralasik
  • PRK
  • Lasek
Second group of laser (Excimer laser application) methods:
  1. Wavefront (Personal, Custom, Eagle eye)
  • It is known as the standard method.

Who Are Eligible For Excimer Laser Surgery?

  1. Patients between the ages of 18 and 60
  • Patients with myopia up to -10 diopters
  • Patients with astigmatism up to -6 diopters
  • Patients with hypermetropia up to +6 diopters
  • Patients who did not experience more than 0.50 D of change in their refractive error within last two years.
  • Patients with sufficient corneal thickness.
  • Patients who do not have eye diseases such as keratokonus or glaucoma.
  • Patients who do not have systemic diseases such as diabetes and rheumatism.
  • Patients who are not pregnant or breastfeeding.

Patients who are deemed appropriate for the surgery in light of detailed preliminary examinations and tests can undergo Excimer laser surgery.