Patients are served by a globally renowned and experienced professor, an associate professor and two dialysis nurses at the Pediatric Nephrology Department. Our team deals with diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of renal and urinary tract diseases in children. These diseases are as follows:
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Urinary incontinence (daytime and nighttime)
  • Congenital conditions (hydronephrosis / stenosis of ureters, stenosis in the outlet of the urinary bladder, vesicourethral reflux, dysplasia, solitary kidney and horseshoe kidney etc.)
  • Kidney stones
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  •  Blood and/or protein in urine
  • Disorders of acid-base balance and renal diseases that cause those imbalances
  • Nephrotic syndrome (generalized swelling, protein in urine and low albumin in blood)
  • Hemolytic uremic syndrome (degradation of blood cells and accompanying renal failure)
  • Metabolic disorders that involve kidneys (cystinosis and oxalosis)
  • Conditions requiring dialysis therapy or renal transplant, renal failure

Some of treatments, services and programs offered by Pediatric Nephrology Clinic of Koç University Hospital-one of the most important reference centers both in our country and in the territory-are as follows;

Considering Pediatric Renal Transplant Program and Pediatric Dialysis Program, all children with renal failure are provided with peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis and renal transplant. Our experienced team always stands by our patients and their relatives to make them overcome this difficult period comfortably.
Moreover, renal transplant or dialysis can be performed for neonates and young infants with renal failure. We make efforts to assist our patients by maximizing quality of services with our competent, globally renowned team. At our Organ Transplant Unit, our specialized team with broad experience in the field of renal transplant surgery serves especially young children.

Pediatric Stone Diseases Program is implemented by “Childhood Renal Stone Diseases Outpatient Clinic” in cooperation with Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Urology Clinics. In this way, both the underlying cause of stone formation is investigated and families are informed about surgical treatment options, if required.
Council meetings are held at regular intervals jointly with Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Urology Clinics within the scope of Pediatric Bladder Diseases Program. These multidisciplinary meetings allow us manage health problems of patients through direct contribution of many other departments, such as Pediatric Radiology and Nuclear Medicine.

In addition, correct diagnostic and therapeutic programs planned jointly with Pediatric Surgery and Psychiatry Clinics yield promising results for children with urinary incontinence. All necessary tests are available at our hospital, and moreover, our experienced team educates children on correct voiding through enjoyable methods.


Dysuria, hematuria, daytime or nighttime urinary incontinence, polyuria and urinary frequency, abdominal pain -particularly flank pain-, hypertension, generalized swelling and accompanying low urine volume, sudden onset pallor and accompanying low urine volume.
  • Pediatric Nephrology
  • Pediatric Renal Transplant
  • Pediatric Nephrology Outpatient Clinic
  • Pediatric Renal Transplant Outpatient Clinic
  • Pediatric Dialysis Outpatient Clinic
  • Inpatient Clinics (Organ Transplant Unit, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit)
  • Emergency Medicine