Menopause is a condition characterized by the inability to synthesize estrogen due to depletion of oocytes in ovaries. It is briefly defined as the absence of menstrual period for more than one year. Although the average age of menopause ranges from 45 to 55, it varies depending on personal and familial histories. Past surgeries may also play a role in the onset of the menopause.
Menopause is not a disease, but a natural phase in a woman's life. Having necessary examinations at regular intervals, getting correct information and active participation in decision-making process will help you experience the transition process easily and healthily.
Following complaints are common in this phase: Hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, sexual problems, urinary incontinence or urinary frequency problems, sleep problems and mood disorders. To manage these conditions, various solutions can be offered, ranging from simple lifestyle modifications to hormone therapy or other medication treatments. Severity of complaints and their impact on your life as well as personal and familial histories and your personal plans and priorities play the major role in selection of a treatment modality.
At out clinic, we evaluate all these factors from a holistic perspective, select the most appropriate treatment, inform you about the treatment plan and manage this process together with you. As a fully equipped university hospital, we may offer a versatile and sophisticated approach and consult you with urogynecology, breast surgery, orthopedics, physical medicine and rehabilitation, psychiatry and internal medicine clinics, when needed, in order to help you experience the menopause process in a healthiest manner.