Dermatology Department of Koç University is pioneering the advanced-level basic and clinical trials and organized trainings on preventive medicine to meet all needs of the general population in dermatology by closely monitoring modern medical practices while healthcare services are delivered to patients and general population at international standards. We always rely on evidence-based scientific data and ethical values and work in cooperation with other disciplines in delivery of healthcare service to our patients.

Our team aims to make the latest technologies available for patients within the shortest time possible by closely monitoring all advancements in this discipline. All diseases of skin, hair, nail and oral and anogenital mucosa are managed at our general outpatient clinics and also at inpatient clinic, if required, while our disease-specific outpatient clinics aim to provide our patients with further specialized services.


  • Hives Outpatient Clinic: Prof. Emek Kocatürk, M.D., Esra Saraç, M.D.

Our hives outpatient clinic admits patients with chronic hives that is an exhaustive and wearing disease for patients, if not properly managed, most commonly in young adults, although it affects all patient populations ranging from the children to the elderly. Informing the patient properly about the disease, identification of the triggering factors and finding the comorbidities and underlying diseases are as important as the ability to keep the disease under control. Our clinic is certified as the Center of Excellence and Reference in Hives and Angioedema by the Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GALEN).

UCARE Certificate
ACARE Certificate
  • Atopic Dermatitis Outpatient Clinic: Prof. Emek Kocatürk, M.D., Prof. Savaş Yaylı, M.D.

At our Atopic Dermatitis outpatient clinic, we manage the patients with atopic dermatitis, a chronic dermatological disease that is very itchy and has significantly adverse affects on daily life and can affect all age ranges, but particularly the children. The disease should be addressed along with the comorbidities and the patient and relatives should be informed in detail about the skin care. Our clinic offers the treatment approaches that are in harmony with the most recent guidelines for atopic dermatitis and we admit patients as a Center of Excellence and Reference for Atopic Dermatitis certified by the Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GALEN) in Turkey along with the Pediatric Allergy Clinic.

ADCARE Certificate



  • Behçet’s Disease Outpatient Clinic: Assoc. Prof. Seçil Vural, M.D.

At our Behçet’s Disease outpatient clinic, the patients with Behçet’s diseases suspect are evaluated regarding the disease. On the other hand, the patients with documented Behçet’s disease are regularly followed up and follow-up visits are scheduled through review of systems in terms of potential organ involvements. Relevant patients are referred to other departments, such as rheumatology, ophthalmology, gastroenterology and neurology. Follow-up and treatment of patients are planned in a multidisciplinary manner.



  • Psoriasis Outpatient Clinic: Prof. Savaş Yaylı, M.D., Assoc. Prof. Seçil Vural, M.D.

At our Psoriasis outpatient clinic, our experienced physicians make correct diagnosis of psoriasis, the chronic inflammatory disease associated with various clinic pictures along with the conventional appearance (red, scurfy plaques) and up-to-date and effective treatments are used to keep the disease under control for the target of “completely clean” or “almost clean”, lesion-free skin.



  • Dermatooncology Outpatient Clinic: Assoc. Prof. Seçil Vural, M.D., Esra Saraç, M.D.

At our Dermatooncology clinic, clinical and dermoscopic evaluations are made for patients for the globally most common skin cancers that also have sub-types. A biopsy specimen is taken, if required, for the examination at pathology laboratory. Treatment is planned in a step-wise and multidisciplinary manner and the patients are followed up. Whole body nevus map is drawn for high-risk patients and thus, skin cancers are diagnosed and treated at an early stage through intermittent follow-up.



  • Autoimmune Bullous Diseases: Prof. Savaş Yaylı, M.D.

At our autoimmune bullous diseases outpatient clinic, correct diagnosis is quite critical for treatment; a group of autoimmune diseases associated with blisters and erosion in skin and mucosa is correctly diagnosed by our experienced physicians, while our patients are managed with up-to-date treatment options.


  • ​Ürtiker Polikliniği: Prof. Dr. Emek Kocatürk, Dr. Esra Saraç

Ürtiker polikliniğimizde, çocuklardan yaşlılara tüm hasta popülasyonunu etkilemekle birlikte en sık orta genç kişileri etkileyen ve tam kontrol altına alınamadığında hastalar için yıpratıcı ve yorucu bir hastalık haline gelen kronik ürtiker hastaları kabul edilmektedir. Hastalığın hastaya iyi anlatılması, tetikleyici faktörlerin belirlenmesi, eşlik eden komorbiditelerin ve altta yatan hastalıkların bulunması en az hastalığın tam kontrol altına alınması kadar önem taşımaktadır. Kliniğimiz Global Avrupa Alerji Network (GALEN) Ürtiker ve Anjioödem Mükemmeliyet ve Referans Merkezi olarak sertifikalanmış bir merkez olarak hizmet vermektedir.

UCARE Sertifikası
ACARE Sertifikası
  • Atopik Dermatit Polikliniği: Prof. Dr. Emek Kocatürk, Prof. Dr. Savaş Yaylı

Atopik Dermatit polikliniğimizde, genellikle çocuklarda görülmekle birlikte tüm yaştan hastaları etkileyebilen, çok kaşıntılı ve günlük hayatı oldukça olumsuz etkileyen bir kronik deri hastalığı olan atopik dermatit hastalarımız yönetilmektedir. Hastalık komorbiditeleriyle birlikte ele alınmalı ve deri bakımı tüm detaylarıyla hastaya ve hasta yakınına anlatılmalıdır. Atopik dermatitte son kılavuzlara uygun tedavi yaklaşımı sunan kliniğimiz Pediatrik Alerji Kliniği ile birlikte Global Avrupa Alerji Network (GALEN) Atopik Dermatit Mükemmeliyet ve Referans Merkezi olarak sertifikalanmış Türkiye’deki bir merkez olarak hizmet vermektedir.

ADCARE Sertifikası



  • ​Behçet Polikliniği: Doç. Dr. Seçil Vural

Behçet hastalığı polikliniğimizde, Behçet hastalığı şüphesi taşıyan kişilerin hastalık açısından değerlendirilmesi yapılmaktadır. Behçet hastalığı tanısı alan hastaların ise düzenli takipleri yapılır, olası organ tutulumlarına yönelik sistemik sorgulamaları yapılarak kontrolleri düzenlenir. İlgili hastalar romatoloji, oftalmoloji, gastroenteroloji ve nöroloji gibi bölümlere yönlendirilmektedir. Hastaların takip ve tedavi süreçleri multidisipliner olarak planlanmaktadır.



  • ​Psoriasis (Sedef) Polikliniği: Prof. Dr. Savaş Yaylı, Doç. Dr. Seçil Vural

Psoriasis (Sedef) polikliniğimizde, klasik görünümü olan kızarık, kepekli plaklar dışında farklı klinik özelliklerle de seyreden kronik inflamatuar hastalık psoriasisin, doğru tanısı deneyimli hekimlerimizce gerçekleştirilmekte, “tamamen temiz” veya “tama yakın temiz”, lezyonsuz deri hedefine yönelik, hastalığı kontrol altına alan güncel ve etkili tedavi yöntemleri kullanılmaktadır.



  • ​Dermatoonkoloji Polikliniği: Doç. Dr. Seçil Vural, Dr. Esra Saraç

Dermatoonkoloji polikliniğimizde, hastalarımız, dünyada en sık görülen, farklı alt türleri olan deri kanserleri açısından klinik ve dermoskopik muayene ile değerlendirilirler. Gerekli durumlarda biyopsi alınarak patolojik inceleme yapılır. Tanı alan hastalarda tedavi basamaklı ve multidisipliner olarak planlanır, takipleri yapılır. Risk grubu olan hastalarda tüm vücut ben haritalama yapılarak aralıklı takiplerle deri kanserleri erken dönemde tespit edilerek tedavi edilir.



  • ​Otoimmun Büllöz Hastalıklar: Prof. Dr. Savaş Yaylı

Otoimmün büllöz hastalıklar polikliniğimizde, doğru tanının konması tedavi sürecinde oldukça kritik, deri ve mukozalarda içi sıvı dolu kabarcıklar ve erozyonlarla seyreden bir grup otoimmün deri hastalığı deneyimli hekimlerimizce doğru tanı alırken, hastalarımız güncel tedavi seçenekleri ile yönetilirler. 

Some of the outstanding diagnosis and treatment practices at our Dermatology Department are as follows:
  • Computerized Dermoscopy / Mole Mapping
  • Phototherapy (Narrow-band EVB, PUVA and local phototherapy practices)
  • Vascular laser
  • Hives provocation tests
  • Dermatooncology council
  • Dermatology-Rheumatology council
  • Dermatopathology council

1.Kat 1Floor
08:00 - 17:00 08:00 - 17:00
Monday - Friday Monday - Friday


Our department offers specialized diagnostic and treatment services such as dermoscopy, interventional dermatology/dermosurgery, dermato-oncology, cosmetic dermatology and laser therapy for all types of dermal diseases, including dermal allergies, atopic dermatitis, urticaria, psoriasis and autoimmune bullous diseases.
Our skin is the largest organ that surrounds the entire body. While there are numerous specific diseases affecting the skin, it may also be influenced by other internal diseases. In fact, symptoms of some diseases may initially appear on the skin. There are currently over 1500 skin diseases and associated variants. Patients most frequently present to our Dermatology polyclinic with the following conditions:

Itching, rashes, fungal infection, eczema, acne, psoriasis, rosacea, nail and scalp diseases, skin tone changes, urticaria, moles, infectious diseases of skin, contagious skin diseases, sexually transmitted dermal conditions, dermal symptoms of metabolic and systemic diseases, inflammatory skin conditions, hemangioma, vascular moles and spots, hereditary skin conditions, dermal tumors, skin lymphoma, skin cancer and melanoma. 


Service subcategories of the Dermatology department:

Diagnostic services: 

  • Skin biopsy (punch, incisional, shave, excisional)
  • Urticaria provocation test (TempTest, Fric test, bicycle test, pressure test)
  • Patch skin test
  • Dermoscopy
  • Wood light examination
  • Pathergy test
  • Autologous serum skin test
  • Tzanck smear test
  • Fungal examination under light microscope

Treatment services:

  • Cryotherapy, electro-cauterization
  • Intralesional injection therapy
  • Botox injection for hyperhidrosis
  • Nail wiring, nail extraction
  • Phototherapy
  • Laser treatment in vascular lesions (pulse dye laser, Nd:YAG laser)


  • Digital dermoscopic nevi follow-up, mole mapping
  • Dermatopathology meeting
  • Dermato-oncology council
  • Polyclinics for specific diseases (dermato-allergy, atopic dermatitis, urticaria, psoriasis, autoimmune bullous diseases, dermato-oncology)

Cosmetic dermatology:

  • Cosmetic botulinum toxin injections
  • Cosmetic dermal filling practices (lips, cheeks, under-eye light filling)
  • PRP (platelet-rich plasma therapy for hair loss and skin rejuvenation)
  • Hair and facial mesotherapy (rejuvenation injection, salmon DNA, hyaluronic acid combinations)
  • Micro-needling
  • Skin anti-aging with non-ablative laser rejuvenation

Diagnostic services: 

  • Skin biopsy (punch, incisional, shave, excisional)
  • Urticaria provocation test (TempTest, Fric test, bicycle test, pressure test)
  • Patch skin test
  • Dermoscopy
  • Wood light examination
  • Pathergy test
  • Autologous serum skin test
  • Tzanck smear test
  • Fungal examination under light microscope


Treatment services:

  • Cryotherapy, electro-cauterization
  • Intralesional injection therapy
  • Botox injection for hyperhidrosis
  • Nail wiring, nail extraction
  • Phototherapy
  • Laser treatment in vascular lesions (pulse dye laser, Nd:YAG laser)


  • Digital dermoscopic nevi follow-up, mole mapping
  • Dermatopathology meeting
  • Dermato-oncology council
  • Polyclinics for specific diseases (dermato-allergy, atopic dermatitis, urticaria, psoriasis, autoimmune bullous diseases, dermato-oncology)


Cosmetic dermatology:

  • Cosmetic botulinum toxin injections
  • Cosmetic dermal filling practices (lips, cheeks, under-eye light filling)
  • PRP (platelet-rich plasma therapy for hair loss and skin rejuvenation)
  • Hair and facial mesotherapy (rejuvenation injection, salmon DNA, hyaluronic acid combinations)
  • Micro-needling
  • Skin anti-aging with non-ablative laser rejuvenation