The Comprehensive Cancer Program involves specialized physicians, nurses, clinical psychologists, nutritionists and assistants dedicated to providing the highest quality of care to healthy individuals, patients and their relatives in terms of diagnosis, treatment, prevention and supportive treatment of cancer.
In cases where the desired response cannot be attained with routine treatment, the Comprehensive Cancer Program of Koç University Hospital assumes the principle of seeking options from among drugs that are not yet part of the established treatment algorithms, but have been proven effective in clinical trials, upon obtaining patients’ consent. The latest advancements in the field of oncological intervention are presented in this regard to those patients who may not have benefited from other available treatments.  
Our Comprehensive Cancer Program encompasses a patient experience-oriented multidisciplinary approach from the very early stages of cancer, and keeps improving in line with global standards thanks to the creativity and research support contributed by the team in charge.
We serve patients with a team of 22 separate healthcare personnel and groups, each with roles defined at length. 

Including genetic investigation and tumor mutation analyses, personal and familial risk identification, protective measures, target-oriented treatment options, all types of chemo/radiotherapy, smart drugs, hormonotherapy, immunotherapy and injection therapies, the Comprehensive Cancer Program provides for assembly of Tumor Board meetings, where treatment plans and associated cancer types are regularly discussed for each cancer patient.
The advanced imaging systems and nuclear medicine screens adopted at Koç University Hospital enable precise definition of cancer types and their localizations. Cancer surgeries are then performed by utilizing cutting-edge technology and techniques such as minimally invasive surgery, interventional radiology, robotic surgery and laparoscopic/endoscopic surgery. 
Our treatment units are spacious and have been designed practically for compassionate care, comfort and utmost level of privacy. Extensive spaces of care available at our hospital allow safe and secure treatment services at times of global and seasonal viral epidemics. 
Appointments are planned and consultancy services are offered to both outpatients and inpatients by medical associate specialists with a background rooted in nursing. Throughout a patient’s treatment process, we are always right there for patients and their relatives.

We do realize the significance of supportive treatment in cancer. All kinds of psychological support is provided by a clinical psychologist within this framework. Our nutrition experts also evaluate patients and offer advisory services as to the healthiest and most optimal diet they can adopt.